Ever Since We Met - Chris Botti



Chris Botti{Ever Since We Met}2003 爵士小号

可以将小号这种乐器吹奏得这么唯美的非Chris Botti莫属,与其说saxphone有着迷人的柔情或者性感,那么这首小号也同样地丰富温暖,优雅、浪漫、缠绵.

Chris Botti是来自美国的一位小号手,他的音乐曾称霸整个流行爵士乐界,是最优美的声音,自出道以来一直是流行爵士乐的重要伴奏乐手.这首歌在中间的部分还加上了人声的演唱,令整首歌更加性感,甚至令人陶醉,令人听出爱情的味道.


You know I only want to be with you
From the very first time I knew
I had a feel and this love was true
Ever Since We met

I want to stay right by your side
I don’t never wanna say goodbye
There’s not a cloud up in the sky
Ever Since We Met

热度 ( 46 )

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